Are you looking for a Divorce Lawyer in Overland Park who Specializes in Collaborative Mediation? Contact The Hill Law Firm, P.C. Today. Divorce Lawyer, Elizabeth Hill of The Hill Law Firm, P.C., has practiced family law for 35 years. Trained as a collaborative family law attorney, she utilizes alternate dispute resolution methods such as…
Read MoreCollaborative Divorce, offered by The Hill Law Firm in Overland Park, KS, may be the best divorce process solution for you. Whereas a traditional divorce is often adversarial and overwhelming and comes with the cost of two litigation attorneys, a collaborative divorce offers a more supportive path to ending a marriage and creating a new…
Read MoreTop Divorce Mediation Tips from Elizabeth Hill of The Hill Law Firm’, P.C. Choosing Divorce Mediation is an excellent choice for many couples who are ready to maintain privacy, confidentiality and avoid the higher legal fees that come with a traditional divorce. Before starting divorce mediation, you should know that a mediator is a neutral…
Read MoreChoosing Collaborative Divorce does not automatically mean your relationship problems are solved. No matter how you came to the decision to end your marriage, if you and your spouse are able to act as partners throughout the divorce process, you can avoid some of the stress associated with having your divorce outcome determined by a…
Read MoreMediation in divorce is a divorce option where a neutral mediator facilitates communication between the spouses to reach a settlement outside of court. Elizabeth Hill of The Hill Law Firm, P.C. serves as a mediator for couples in Overland Park, Johnson County, Kansas seeking this approach. This voluntary process using Elizabeth’s proven step-by-step approach ensures…
Read MoreA collaborative divorce is an alternative to traditional divorce in Overland Park and Johnson County, Kansas, and is an option worth considering for couples interested in something different than the traditional divorce experience. Collaborative Divorce allows spouses to stop viewing each other as adversaries to decrease conflict and preserve the children’s view of the family. Collaborative divorce…
Read MoreAre you looking into divorce mediation but not sure what to expect? The Hill Law Firm, PC in Overland Park, KS, is here to ease your concerns and answer frequently asked questions in this week’s blog. Divorce Mediation allows clients to sit down with an experienced, neutral party, in this case, attorney/mediator, Elizabeth Hill, and…
Read MoreCollaborative Divorce in Overland Park and Johnson County is an excellent option to consider for those couples who may want to divorce differently and better. Let’s explore collaborative divorce. Unlike traditional divorce which can often feel adversarial when the court determines the outcome, collaborative divorce allows both parties to work together to reach a mutual solution. Both…
Read MoreCollaborative Mediation gives control back to families in regard to their divorce outcomes. By reaching a settlement outside of court, much of the stress and added court costs are removed, and the future relationship of the family is preserved. Collaborative Mediation is a proven process that gives more power back to the couple to make decisions regarding…
Read MoreCollaborative Divorce pros and cons are important to consider when making a change in your marital status. Working with an experienced family law attorney like Elizabeth Hill at The Hill Law Firm, P.C., serving clients in Overland Park and Johnson County Kansas will ensure that your needs and rights are prioritized throughout the process. Pro’s…
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