Overland Park divorce mediation attorney


Divorce Mediation – Here’s What To Expect?

August 2, 2023

Are you looking into divorce mediation but not sure what to expect? The Hill Law Firm, PC  in Overland Park, KS, is here to ease your concerns and answer frequently asked questions in this week’s blog. Divorce Mediation allows clients to sit down with an experienced, neutral party, in this case, attorney/mediator,  Elizabeth Hill, and…

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Is Divorce Mediation Right For You?

June 7, 2023

Divorce Mediation is the use of a neutral third party to facilitate communications between you and your spouse so an agreed-upon settlement can be reached outside of court. While Kansas Divorce rates are among the lowest in the country, couples do need divorce options and divorce mediation may be right for your family. Elizabeth Hill approaches…

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How Does Mediation Work as a Divorce Process Option?

May 3, 2023

During Mediation, spouses work together with a neutral third party, in this case,  Elizabeth Hill, to reach agreements about dispersing of property, dividing financial assets,  creating parenting arrangements and determining support. If you are considering a divorce in Overland Park, KS, the Hill Law Firm, P.C.  is here for you. During mediation  meetings, the neutral divorce…

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Divorce Mediation – What Does it Look Like in 2023?

April 5, 2023

Divorce Mediation is just one of the divorce options The Hill Law Firm. P.C.  offers.  If you are considering divorce in Overland Park or Johnson County KS and are looking for an agreeable and efficient way to move forward, consider  mediation, collaborative mediation or collaborative divorce with Elizabeth Hill. Divorce Mediation allows for the development of…

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A Divorce Attorney in Johnson County Who Specializes in Mediation

March 1, 2023

Johnson County Divorce Attorney, Elizabeth Hill practice emphasis is mediation where she offers her clients a less adversarial method for ending their marriage.    If you are looking to reduce conflict and have a more cost-effective divorce solution, consider mediation with a divorce attorney/mediator. Mediation allows you and your spouse to maintain control over the…

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How Do I Find The Best Divorce Attorney For Me?

How Do I Find The Best Divorce Attorney For Me?

November 2, 2022

Something my clients frequently share with me is how difficult it can be to select a divorce attorney. As a divorce attorney in Johnson County, Kansas, I know it can be challenging to find someone who can account for your individual and unique divorce needs whom you also trust to represent your needs. Here are…

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What to ask a divorce lawyer - The Hill Law Firm Kansas City Image from Adobe Stock

What To Ask a Divorce Lawyer

October 17, 2022

It’s always a good idea to know what to ask a divorce lawyer. As a collaborative divorce lawyer and family law mediator, I know many couples don’t know there are alternative divorce options and have never even heard of collaborative divorce. The idea of divorce can be overwhelming to many, but collaborative divorce makes the…

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Divorce Mediation Attorney #313866814 (AdobeStock) The Hill Law Firm, P.C.

What Does A Divorce Mediation Attorney Do?

July 27, 2022

A divorce mediation attorney guides couples into reaching a solid agreement regarding all aspects of their divorce and legal needs. This includes property and debt division, child custody, child support, and spousal support, if necessary. One of the best aspects of mediation, is that it is a relationship-oriented, flexible, and confidential divorce option. Your divorce…

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Divorce Attorney: Is Divorce Mediation Successful?

May 12, 2021

As a divorce attorney mediator,  I get asked the question, “Is divorce mediation successful?” often, and I can tell you that when both parties are  willing to cooperate and work together to find the best resolutions for themselves and their families, divorce mediation can be successful. Divorce mediation is a relationship-oriented, flexible, and confidential divorce option…

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Finding the Right Divorce Mediation Attorney In Overland Park For My Divorce

January 13, 2021

Divorce mediation attorney in Overland Park, Elizabeth Hill, wants you to know how divorce mediation could be the right option for you.  Every divorce is different, which means every divorce path and resolution is different.  There is nothing easy about going through a divorce for either you, your spouse, or your children, but there are…

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